Case Study - Lewiston, NY - Bravo Buffalo
Case Study – Lewiston, NY
Pool Deck Soil Stabilization & Cavity Fill with HMI Deep Foamjection
An in-ground pool is situated at the crest of a slope, with a 45 degree angle. The slope proceeds approximately 100 ft down to the river. Cracking and other signs of distress on the concrete deck had the homeowners very concerned about the integrity of the soils holding their in-ground pool up in its position on the slope. They feared the entire pool would cascade down the slope and into the river. The complexity of this assignment provides an excellent example as an alternative to traditional laborious and more expensive methods, such as reconstructing the entire pool, or re-pouring this outer wall, and hauling in a dump truck of new backfill.
Upon inspection, Bravo identified soil erosion areas throughout and multiple voided cavities surrounding the outer pool deck initiating the stress on the concrete above. It was recommended to hire a Geotechnical Consulting Engineer for soil tests to determine soil conditions and to confirm Bravo’s inspection. The consulting engineers report concluded the HMI Hydrofoam Deep Foamjection system was well suited for this project.
The entire procedure was minimally invasive and there was NO loss of vegetation or soils. The estimated cost savings was between $75,000 to $100,000 USD . Furthermore, there was no need for heavy equipment or the use of excavators to disrupt the land and property.
In one day, three team members from Bravo injected 538 lbs of Hydrofoam (immune to water) through piping 3/8 inch in size. The soil beneath the pool and outer edge was 100% stabilized and all voided cavities were filled. The homeowners were very pleased with how clean and quick the process was. They would recommend to any other home owner or business owner who sees the same issues on their property.